"Gladiator School" Battles Drop

The Atlanta event from last September is now available on Trapflix.

After months in limbo since the Snoop Dogg and Murda Mook hosted "Gladiator School" event last September, the footage has now dropped on Trapflix, a video-streaming service that specializes in independent urban cinema. The site seems to require a $49 annual subscription to view the battles.

The documentary-style video includes behind-the-scenes footage from the event, as well as the heavily hyped performance of the late Young B The Future (who was killed last December) going up against B Magic. Other notable battles from the event include Arsonal vs. John John Da Don, Calicoe vs. Hitman Holla and T-Rex vs. Rum Nitty. There's also a finalized version of the green-screen battle between Daylyt and Tsu Surf, where their lyrics are brought to life through animations.

See all of BattleRap.com's "Gladiator School" footage here.

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