Battle Rap Twitter Reacts To URL's "Summer Madness 5" Card

What people are saying about the lineup for "The Superbowl Of Battle Rap."

URL dropped the card for the fifth edition of "Summer Madness" yesterday (Sept. 10) and fans/critics have taken to Twitter to voice their excitement/dismay.

The announcement caused definite blowback from those who had high expectations for "The Superbowl Of Battle Rap" and who wanted to see the card filled with established superstars like Murda Mook, Tsu Surf, Conceited, B Magic, Math Hoffa, Hitman Holla and Daylyt. There were also those who wanted to see emcees currently on hot streaks such as Chilla Jones, Danja Zone and Danny Myers. Instead URL has continued to push many of the newer league-exclusive names we saw earlier this year on "Rookies vs. Vets" and "Redemption" including Mr. Wavy, Steams, Chess and T-Top.

But despite the gripes, there has also been a wave of fans who have been defending the card and who are hyped for many of the match-ups. Loaded Lux's return, Calicoe vs. Tay Roc and O'fficial vs. Ms. Hustle are all generating significant positive buzz from most corners of the Internet.

People seem to be fine with the card on YouTube as well, with the trailer netting around 65,000 views (with 1,563 Likes and 143 dislikes) after 24 hours.

Here's a look at some of the reaction from battlers, bloggers and fans.

Thoughts? Let us know in the comments section below.

