Charlie Clips Addresses Recycling Bars Against Big Kannon

Clips apologizes for reusing some of a verse in his "Crown 2" battle.

In the days following GO-Rilla Warfare's "Crown 2" event last month, a video made the rounds on Facebook showing Charlie Clips using some of his own lines from an older verse in recent battles. In a new interview with 100 Bars Magazine, Clips admits that he used part of an old verse in his second round against Big Kannon, but says it wasn't intentional and apologizes to the league.

The Harlem emcee says that in his battle with Kannon, he freestyled a line that put a new spin on an old bar, which caused him to forget the rest of the second round he'd prepared. He just kept going with the old verse, knowing that he'd eventually get called out for it once fans realized.

Clips also says he's offered to do a one-round battle with Big Kannon on GW to make up for the recycling.

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