Leagues! Send Us Your Best Battle From 2015!

We're looking for all of the hidden gems from the small leagues around the world.

It's almost the end of the year, and the BattleRap.com team has been busy behind-the-scenes debating what's worth highlighting in our 2015 In Review coverage. We've got the big three covered already, but we want to make sure we're giving shine to everyone who deserves it.

So if you're a league repNOT a battler, JUST a league rep — send us your ONE standout battle from 2015.

Please send us the link to the YouTube video, as well as the following details:

Who: Name (City, State) vs. Name (City, State)
Where: League's "Event Name" in City, State
When: Day the event happened

Feel free to add 1-2 sentences about what makes the battle good too.

Once you've got everything ready, send it to [email protected] and keep an eye out on the site for a full collection of the best battles coming in the next week or two.

