
The Top 10 Rap Battles From August

Our picks for the 10 best battles of August, featuring battles from URL, U Dubb KOTD, Counter Productive, No Coast & Do or Die.

C Moneii vs. Xcel

Bullpen's C Moneii takes on Xcel in the main event of Night 1 of "Respect The Pen."

Syah vs. Bonnie Godiva

One of Bullpen's best faces off with one of the best female emcees in the culture at "Chival War."

Moon vs. Holmzie Da God

Two emcees building their names on the URL platform face-off at "More Hunger 2."

Saynt vs. NXT

Dope West Coast up-and-comers Saynt and NXT showcase their talents in the main event of "Off With Their Head 2"

Aye Verb vs. Charron

Two of the best ever from their respective countries clash at "Massacre 3."

Kyd Slade vs. Red Flag

BattleRap.com lead editorialist Red Flag has what many are calling Battle of the Night against the dope Connecticut emcee Kyd Slade